Have an unshakable foundation
Understanding your purpose in the moment and aligning your values with that purpose exponentially increases the probability of achieving successful outcomes you will be happy to live with. As the quote says, it is easy to make decisions when you know your values. Successful choices occur naturally whe you live a values based life. Know your purpose and values and stand on them.

Make your own wins. #FTW_EDD
Defining your success is the very first step in creating success.
Adapted from Stephen Covey's "7 Habits of Highly Effective People", we "Begin With the End in Mind" by identifying what we want out a situation.
If we place desirable outcomes first in our thought process, we are more apt to begin an endeavor in a positive direction. Initially, defining success means creating an expectation based on our desires and perceived potential. The rest of the Happiness-Success Cycle is about growing that expectation.

Learn to think,
think to learn.
Mental conditoning is about preparing yourslf for a variety of posssible outcomes so that you can remain unnerved by variations and be adaptable to a variety of circumstances. This provides stability in our thougth process and allows clear judgement in actions.

Small Manageable Chunks
Developing goals is the last part of the success cycle because no matter how fast or slow the other phases occured, they were all preparing you to develop and accomplish goals toward your success.
Goals are simply our step by step plan to achieve the success we defined. They must be SMART - Specific, Measurable, Action-oriented, Realistic, and Time-sensitive. Without the previous phases, your goals may lack one or more of these attributes.